One of our partner missionaries has followed the Lord's leading to go to a remote and underprivileged part of Burundi, Africa, to plant a church and share the gospel. In that area he found many deaf children who have no access to language, the gospel, or the opportunity to attend school. To meet these needs, the Gisuru School for the Deaf was built. Allow is supporting this newly established Deaf School so these children can receive access to communication and education in sign language.

Hyacine was born deaf. Her parents are poor farmers and are unable to fully provide for her needs. Hyacine needs a sponsor to help cover the cost of her education and basic needs while attending the new school. Please pray for her as the world of learning is opened up and she learns of the gospel (probably) for the very first time.

Country: Burundi

Age (Year Born): 2006

Sex:  Female

ID code: GSU-58

Click below to sponsor Hyacine

Your gift of $30 per month makes a difference!

(Please make note of the ID code)